Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ron Paul will win the nomination! Romney is going down.

Ron Paul will win the nomination! Romney is going down.
Listen to this report on the recent case against the Romney campaign by "Lawyers for Ron Paul":

A lawsuit was filed against Romney and the RNC, and the lawyers for Ron Paul, are asking for evidence of fraud committed during the GOP state primary elections. There is a RNC convention in Tampa, Florida on August 27, 2012 and they want as many Ron Paul delegates to vote their conscience and not be held to any “loyalty” oath to Mitt R.

Romney is going down. He won't be available as a candidate at the Republican convention end of August. He will have to appear in court instead. This means Paul will win the nomination!

The narrator in the video mentions that 'by chance' the case has been assigned to one of the strictest judges in the country who cannot be intimidated. I see this as another case of Divine Intervention. 


Anonymous said...

GO RON PAUL ! I'm pretty sure he is not quite
'squeaky clean,' but BY FAR the best, so to speak the very least of the evils of present government.Ron Paul was sent by someone or something to help us, his abrupt departure from 'news' suggests that the PTB are in fear of him
and/or Ron is VERY CONFIDENT he will have NO COMPETITION ! TYJM frj

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Romney will be at the convention. He's part of the cabal and no lawsuit will stop him. The only way he won't be there is if the cabal doesn't want him there.

Anonymous said...

From the way it looks both of our current candidates could end up in Fema Camp. And since Ron Paul is a sponsor of Nesara and the constitution and one of the only members of Congress who probably won't eventually go to jail, he looks like a good candidate to me.