Monday, March 24, 2014

Top Medical Conspiracy Facts

Top Medical Conspiracy Facts

LeeAnn McAdoo reports: recent studies show that nearly
half of all Americans believe in at least one medical
"conspiracy theory". We take a deeper look and separate
fact from fiction, answering questions like
"Did the CIA inject African American males with the AIDS virus".
If you are wearing a tin-foil hat, you're not alone. In fact,
doubting the official government narrative
could just save your life.

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Dr. Joel Wallach;
A veterinarian for 30 years, he worked as a research veterinary pathologist with The National Institute of Health for The Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri; Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia, at Emory University.

Having discovered and identified the first animal models for cystic fibrosis- monkeys - he found that he could reproduce their condition at will because it was a nutritional deficiency. His find offered great promise for children with the disease, but when he made it public, the institute fired him on 24- hours notice.

Chagrined and perplexed, Dr. Wallach made the decision to go to medical school so he could treat children for cystic fibrosis himself.
Realizing that traditional medical school was likely to be as repressive as the National Institute he accepted an invitation to teach nutrition at The National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Oregon , not even knowing what a naturopathic doctor was.

When he learned that he could be a primary care physician-deliver babies, sew up chainsaw wounds, write prescriptions and get paid by insurance- all through a program that encouraged interest in nutrition, he simultaneously enrolled as a full-time student. Soon people were flocking to the college clinic.

Now Dr. Wallach tours the country to teach people the truth about medicine and health.

Thank you Dr. Joel Wallach for your life long dedication to health research and sharing it with others.

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