Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Drunken Stagger: Be Aware Of These Eight Steps From The Government's Playbook

The Drunken Stagger: Be Aware Of These Eight Steps From The Government's Playbook
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013 19:55:43
To anyone paying attention, reality is now painfully obvious. These bankrupt, insolvent governments have just about run out of fingers to plug the dikes. And history shows that, once this happens, governments fall back on a very limited playbook:
1) Direct confiscation
As Cyprus showed us, bankrupt governments are quite happy to plunder people’s bank accounts, especially if it’s a wealthy minority.
Aside from bank levies, though, this also includes things like seizing retirement accounts (Argentina), increases in civil asset forfeiture (United States), and gold criminalization.
Just another form of confiscation, taxation plunders the hard work and talent of the citizenry. But thanks to decades of brainwashing, it’s more socially acceptable. We’ve come to regard taxes as a ‘necessary evil,’ not realizing that the country existed for decades, even centuries, without an income tax.
Yet when bankrupt governments get desperate enough, they begin imposing new taxes… primarily WEALTH taxes (Argentina) or windfall profits taxes (United States in the 1970s).
3) Inflation
This is indirect confiscation– the slow, gradual plundering of people’s savings. Again, governments have been quite successful at inculcating a belief that inflation is also a necessary evil. They’re also adept at fooling people with phony inflation statistics.
4) Capital Controls
Governments can, do, and will restrict the free-flow of capital across borders. They’ll prevent you from moving your own money to a safer jurisdiction, forcing you to keep your hard earned savings at home where it can be plundered and devalued.
We’re seeing this everywhere in the developed world… from withdrawal limits in Europe to cash-sniffing dogs at border checkpoints. And it certainly doesn’t help when everyone from the IMF to Nobel laureate Paul Krugman argue in favor of Capital Controls.
5) Wage and Price controls
When even the lowest common denominator in society realizes that prices are getting higher, governments step in and ‘fix’ things by imposing price controls.
Occasionally this also includes wage controls… though wage increases tend to be vastly outpaced by price increases.
Of course, as any basic economics textbook can illustrate, price controls never work and typically lead to shortages and massive misallocations.
6) Wage and Price controls– on STEROIDS
When the first round of price controls don’t work, the next step is to impose severe penalties for not abiding by the terms.
In the days of Diocletian’s Edict on Prices in the 4th century AD, any Roman caught violating the price controls was put to death.
In post-revolutionary France, shopkeepers who violated the “Law of Maximum” were fleeced of their private property… and a national spy system was put into place to enforce the measures.
7)Increased regulation
Despite being completely broke, governments will dramatically expand their ranks in a last desperate gasp to envelop the problem in sheer size.
In the early 1920s, for example, the number of bureaucratic officials in the Weimar Republic increased 242%, even though the country was flat broke from its Great War reparation payments and hyperinflation episode.
The increase in both regulations and government officials criminalizes and/or controls almost every aspect of our existence… from what we can/cannot put in our bodies to how we are allowed to raise our own children.
8) War and National Emergency
When all else fails, just invade another country. Pick a fight. Keep people distracted by work them into a frenzy over men in caves… or some completely irrelevant island.

The Short Road To Chaos And Destruction

I was not aware that this guy was the first prisoner of the so-called NWO !!!
The Short Road
To Chaos And Destruction
An Expose of The Federal Reserve Banking System
An Article by Gunther K. Russbacher
Edited by Rayelan Allan Russbacher
Editor's note: Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher was a 29 year veteran of the United States Intelligence Community, (Office of Naval Intelligence, attached to the Central Intelligence Agency). During all of that time he has operated as a deep black covert operative. In 1980 Captain Russbacher flew then vice-presidential candidate George Bush to a secret meeting near Paris in what has become known as "The October Surprise" scandal.
In 1989, Captain Russbacher violated direct orders and married, Rayelan Allan, an investigative researcher who was currently working to expose the October Surprise scandal. Captain Russbacher was arrested two days after their marriage and stayed incarcerated until December of 1993.
It is evident to all who are familiar with the Russbacher case that he was a political prisoner of the Bush administration. The following article was written, in spring of 1992, from his prison cell in the Jefferson City Correctional Center in Missouri.
Captain Russbacher has been called the "Company Banker". Because of this, he had to be knowledgeable about the banking system in the United States. Once he began studying the Federal Reserve, its origins and its global aspirations, he began to understand how three hundred families control the world. This article was written from memory, with a little help from friends at Langley Center.
The One World Monetary Cabal
The story of my investigation into the One-World monetary cabal begins in the elevator at Langley Center, (Headquarters for the Central Intelligence Agency in McLean, Virginia.) I had just finished a field exercise designed to certify me for further operations status. I had narrowly passed.
On the elevator, a friend invited me to join him and three others for dinner. Knowing that my plane wasn't due out until 0800 hours the following morning, I accepted. I needed a shower, so I hurriedly walked to my car and began the drive back to the city. It was a sweltering day in the Capitol. The air appeared to stand still. Mosquitos angrily attacked anything that moved on the hot pavement. Little did I suspect, as I drove back to my hotel, that tonight's dinner was going to be more than just a friendly gathering.
After a shower, shave and fresh clothes, I arrived at the restaurant. I arrived early so I could have a drink and check out the place. I made my way through the restaurant, heading for the bar. Hopefully no one noticed my surprise when I saw the group who had already gathered. It was a weekend, the place should have been empty. But it was filled with high level government types, most of whom I knew. My friend from work was already in the bar. Judging from the half-filled drink in his hand, he had arrived early with the same intent in mind. The three others he mentioned this afternoon were with him.
After exchanging the usual, banal forms of greetings, we were led into the dining room. Over hors d'oeuvres I realized that I was in the midst of a serious meeting. The others who were present (with the exception of one man, who was employed by one of the wire services,) were all top echelon government employees. Together we represented the elite of the investigative and intelligence communities. You didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know that something more than dinner was going on here. To slam home the point, a guy from State, (the State Department) read us our evening's agenda. We were apprized that dinner would be brief so we should eat fast. A helicopter would pick us up and take us to a SPECIAL MANUFACTURING plant.
Not knowing when we'd eat again, we followed his suggestion and ate quickly, in studied silence. We were soon told that the helicopters were waiting, ready to take us deep into the Maryland countryside. We left the table and boarded, still not knowing where we were going or why.
The flight was thankfully uneventful and the craft softly deposited us on the lawn in front of the corporate offices of a large manufacturing plant. I offered the guess that the firm was considering an expansion or maybe desired a government contract. Possibly they were looking for government assistance to fund their current projects. At that point, all speculations were pure conjecture.
It was plain to all of us that we were on the scene as representatives of our respective bureaus and agencies. The meeting was to be with various high corporate officials, along with members of a U.S. Senator's office and the mayor's office of a large Maryland metropolis.
After receiving an impressive tour of the facility, one of the members of our group asked why the firm was planning such a major expansion. The corporate official in charge of the tour replied,
"We are one of three companies being considered by the United States Treasury Department to build the printing presses that will print the new U.S. currency."
We all looked at each other. The expressions on our faces said it all. "What new U.S currency?" Not a word was spoken. We were as speechless at that moment as we would have been if we had been lobotomized by the painless methods of chemical ingestion. Here we were, all of us high level government officials, learning about the planned new currency without any warning or introduction. It was almost as if the information had been purposely leaked to us through the grapevine... through a private, non governmental source. The corporate official, when probed about the matter, and unorthodox manner of approach, claimed he didn't know much beyond what he had already told us.
When I returned to my office at Langley the following day, I couldn't help but wonder what last night was all about. I entered the entire proceedings into my Weekly Assessment Report, known within our circles as the "WAR" reports. Over the next several weeks I spent a great deal of time investigating the proposed printing of the new currency and the purpose behind it. I discovered soon enough that others were asking questions as well. (One of those individuals was Congressman Ron Paul of Texas who served on the Congressional committee dealing with the Treasury Department on this particular matter.)
In essence, I had learned that the plans to issue a new currency were international in scope, at least a dozen major countries were planning, or had specific plans, for coming out with new money. They included Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, Australia, Brazil and several others.
I engaged my network to gather information on these proposed changes. Soon the information began flowing into my terminal. The picture began to clear. Several of the afore named countries had already issued new currencies, in various denominations. Most of these new currencies had two things in common...they had bare spots, about the size of a fifty cent coin, usually on the left-hand side of the bill. Upon closer inspection of these currencies, it was evident that they also contained metallic filament or element strips, enabling special devices to detect the currencies as they passed through airports or across international boundaries.
If the currencies are held over a light, a three-dimensional image (hologram) becomes apparent in the blank spot. The images, barely visible to the naked eye, are seemingly always of prominent world figures, and cannot be reproduced on copiers. The effort to create the "new money" was internationally coordinated.
Rumor had it that these currencies would later receive a common image linking them together in an international monetary system. Several years have passed since I first learned about the proposed new currency. Although it has been printed, and is stored in Treasury vaults, the actual issuance of the currency has, for some unknown reason, been delayed. Based upon my information as a member of the United States Intelligence community, it seems clear that, if we were to enter into a world government in the near future, the first step, from a monetary standpoint would include the establishment of an international currency system.
It must be stated that due to the rapid advances in electronic banking technology and the proven willingness of consumers to quickly adapt to these changes, the chances of by-passing the new currencies and going directly to an electronic (cashless) system are increasing exponentially. If the powers that be perceive the public to be ready and prepared for such a move, I believe they wouldn't hesitate to make this jump all at once, even in spite of the large investment that has already been made in the new currency.
If this were to be the case, the main focus of international finance would, without doubt, shift toward promoting international debit cards, which already are gaining widespread acceptance because of their convenience. Long time antagonists of these cards, such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland, have always believed in a true cash and carry society. They have already, with great regret, lost the battle to the debit card banking schemes.
To make a purchase, the card is passed through a scanning device. After making a positive identification, your bank account or credit account is automatically charged or debited with the amount of the purchase. The willingness of consumers to accept such a single card for worldwide use is already past the test market stage. Even my household has not been spared. We have received the new AT&T card which is being promoted by the intriguing commercial..."One World, One Card." The implications are most clear. Big Brother is at our very door. However, THIS Big Brother, should not be confused with Orwell's; for it is not the Big Brother of our national government, but rather and more is BIG BROTHER of world-wide proportions.
Once such debit/credit cards have gained world-wide acceptance, everything would be in place for the next and final step, which would be to force each individual to be tagged with a personal identification code without which he would be unable to buy or sell. The technology for such a worldwide electronic system is already in place, and experiments with such a mark have already been conducted in several countries.
Other developments are underway as well. In the not too distant future, products on our grocery shelves may become labeled with an invisible bar code. The Universal Product Code (UPC), which most of us have complained is an eye sore on product packaging, will no longer be visible. It will still be there, however, only the scanner will be able to read it. Once the transition to an invisible code begins to take place, it will only be a matter of time before humans are tattooed with a similar mark.
Wake up America! The implications to personal freedom are staggering! I emphasize the tattoo in order to bring this discussion down to a personal level. If the globalist cabal has their way, their system will become operational by 1994. To understand how all this fits together, it's important to understand some of the finer points of monetary history.
Recently passed interstate banking laws have made this global centralization possible by allowing strength and swallow mergers. I am saying that many of the smaller banks have been virtually eaten by the big an alarming rate.
Over a 12 state region stretching from New York to the Carolinas, only three New York superbanks control over 85% of all banking assets. The same can be said for the First Interstate System, which is now in place from the Pacific West to the middle of the heartland of America. The writing is on the wall, surely it is finally going to be read.
I had ample opportunity to study the American banking system while serving as an operative for the Central Intelligence Agency's Proprietary Operations Division. After all, we had not only served as members of boards of directors, but more so, held outright ownership of a number of Savings and Loan institutions. I was well in the know, but even I was shocked to realize that I had merely scratched the surface on the national and international banking plot.
I discovered that the SAME forces behind the big bank mergers, already controlled the American banking industry, via the Federal Reserve System. This has been the case ever since the Fed's establishment in 1913. Contrary to public belief, the Federal Reserve is NOT a government institution. It is a privately held corporation owned by stockholders. Until a few years ago, however, the names of those who owned the Federal Reserve were one of the best kept secrets of international finance, due to a provision of the Federal Reserve Act which stated that the identities of the Fed's Class A stockholders cannot be revealed.
In our circles it became widely known that the Fed's principle owners, or stockholders, as they prefer to be called, were the ROTHSCHILD banks of London and Berlin; LAZARD BROTHERS Banks of Paris; ISRAEL MOSES SEIF Banks of Italy, WARBURG Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; LEHMAN BROTHERS Bank of New York; and GOLDMAN, Sachs Banks of New York; KUHN, Loeb Bank of New York; CHASE MANHATTAN Bank of New York. These interests own and operate the Federal Reserve System through approximately three hundred stockholders, all of whom are very well known to each other, and frequently are related.
This can be understood better by knowing that a great deal of maneuvering and deception accompanied the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. The original proposal, calling for a central bank operated by insiders and private interests, was presented by Nelson Aldrich,(the maternal grandfather of todays Rockefeller brothers,) and was known as the Aldrich Bill. This bill was narrowly put down, but was soon reintroduced and passed as the Federal Reserve Act, (officially known as the Owens Glass Act.)
Because of the way in which the Federal Reserve System was designed by its founder, whoever controlled the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, essentially controlled the entire system. For all practical purposes the Federal Reserve Bank of New York IS the Federal Reserve. Currently, more than ninety of the 100 largest banks in the United States are located within this district.
Class A stockholders control the entire Federal Reserve System by owning the stock of the largest member banks in the New York Federal Reserve Bank. This controlling interest is held by fewer than a dozen international banking establishments, only four of which are factually based in the United States. The rest of the outlaying interests are European, with the most influential of these being the Rothschild family of London.
Each of the American interests are in some way connected to this family. Included among these are the Rockefellers who are by far the most powerful of the Fed's American stockholders. (The Rockefeller holdings in the Federal Reserve are primarily through Chase Manhattan Bank.)
Through their U.S. and European agents, the Rothschilds would go on to finance the Rockefeller Standard Oil dynasty, the Carnegie Steel empire, as well as the Harriman railroad system. The Rockefeller, who later became intermarried with the Carnegies, would go on to finance many of American's leading capitalists, through Chase Manhattan and Citibank, both of which have long been Rockefeller family banks. Many of these families would also become intermarried with the Rockefeller so that by 1937 one could trace "an almost unbroken line of biological relationships from the Rockefeller through one-half of the wealthiest sixty families in the nation."
Owing much of their wealth to the Rockefeller, these families have become loyal allies of the "family". The Rockefeller, on the other hand, owing their enormous fortune to the Rothschild banking empire, have for the most part remained true and loyal to them and to their European interest. As a direct result of this chain, much of America's corporate wealth is ultimately traceable to the old money of Europe and the ONE-WORLD INTERESTS of its members.
In order to bring the reader up to speed, and make the connection between the new currency, the international debit/credit card, the Federal Reserve System and the New World Order, it is imperative to present a little American History within this report.
In 1911, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that Standard Oil had in fact, long been in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law. However, the problem goes back all the way to 1890, where Standard Oil of Ohio, owned by John D. Rockefeller was refining more than 90% of all American crude oil and was well on its way to international expansion politics. Although J.D. and his family were the repeated subjects of congressional investigations for anti-trust violations and criminal conspiracy, the investigations had little or no effect on the family's business or progress. They always managed to stay a step ahead of the federal government. The law was not able to thwart such illicit maneuvering. The American peoples' hands were tied.
It is worth noting that the 1911 action did indeed cause the Rockefeller family empire a certain amount of legal difficulties. It brought them into the United States District Courts. A verdict was found in favor of the government. The firm had to be split and many of the peripheral firms sold off. The holding company was dissolved, its shares distributed among thirty three companies in an attempt to break up the monopoly. However, it soon became evident that all of the new companies were owned by the same people (J.D. Rockefeller had 25% of stock in each of the new firms), "and that there wasn't a shred of competition among ANY OF THEM!"
Offshoots of the original Standard Oil Trust included Standard Oil of New Jersey (today EXXON), Standard Oil of New York (today MOBIL), Standard Oil of California (today operates under its name and Chevron), Standard Oil of Indiana (DX-BORON), Standard Oil of Ohio (SOHIO), Standard Oil Company, Phillips 66, and many lesser known others.
In 1966 (data supplied from my "company", as a result of congressional investigation headed by U.S. Representative Wright Patman of Texas,) it was discovered that four of the world's seven largest oil companies were under the direct ownership and/or control of the Rockefeller family. According to an earlier Operations Reports, the largest of these, Standard Oil of New Jersey (EXXON), alone controlled 321 other major corporations, including Humble Oil and Venezuela's OREOLE Petroleum; themselves among the largest oil corporations in the world.
By 1975, the Rockefeller had gained control of the single largest block of stock in Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) and were believed to be in control of TEXACO as well. (Therefore, it must be assumed that the extremely large suit and judgement against Texaco was merely a put-on for the public, and not a true verdict. Consider the true premise of a parent company bringing suit against it's darling daughter.) It was further noted that the Rockefeller were operating major joint ventures with Royal Dutch Shell, which was already in the hands of European one-world interests. I am specifically referring to the Dutch Royal Family. It was Queen Juliana who was the sole owner of Shell. Upon her daughter's (Beatrice) marriage to Klaus (Germany), she divested herself of the interests in Royal Dutch Shell. Substantial interests were offered and sold through Credit Anstalt Bank Verein, as well as Union Bank of Switzerland.
However, our article deals with global strategists from both sides of the Atlantic. It should have seemed obvious to any American that major problems were to be encountered with the continuation of the Fed System. Ever since the founding of the Federal Reserve, consistent efforts have been made by conservatives of both houses of Congress to have their leaders put a stop to the Fed and to the dark forces behind it. With the passing of each decade, there was at least one valiant attempt to expose the already well known conspiracy.
Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr., the father of the famous aviator, was among those who fought the passage of the dark Act and later managed to raise an investigation into the cartel. His life was made extremely difficult as a direct result of crying for such investigation. Lindbergh had openly yelled his warning to Congress and to the American people. It was all to no avail. No one would hear his cry in the wilderness.
It must be noted that Lindbergh's efforts to expose the plot were followed by those of Congressman Louis T. McFadden, who chaired the House Banking and Currency Committee for a ten year period. During his tenure, three attempts were made on his life. First, he was shot in Washington, D.C., then his food was poisoned. The third attempt was unfortunately successful. His mysterious death occurred while on a visit to New York City. The cause of death, as listed on the death certificate, was given as "heart failure", although more than enough evidence pointed to poisoning. It is my proffered opinion that Mr. McFadden was poisoned by members of the cartel. Without proper court orders demanding the exhumation and forensic pathology tests, we shall never know the true story.
During the 1950's, Congressman Carroll Reese of Tennessee headed what became known as the Reese Committee. The Committee was charged with conducting a thorough investigation of the (then) major tax-exempt foundations linked to the international money cartel. The investigation centered on those foundations and trusts actually owned and controlled by the Rockefeller, Fords and Carnegies, and well as the Guggenheim foundations. The findings regarding the wealth and absolute power of these foundations were so traumatically overwhelming that many in Congress found the information difficult to believe. That disbelief, was the door opener for the continuation of the Machiavellian machinations within the money industry.
The disbelief and resultant inaction was also indirectly responsible, for allowing Agency personnel to defrock the already threatened Banking and Savings industry. The implementation of this defrocking, thanks to Congressional Oversight Committees, was easily attained. Please bear in mind, though, that the raping of the American financial institutions began long before the Agency entered the picture.
During the 1960's and 1970's, Congressman Wright Patman of Texas also investigated manipulations by these foundations, trusts and the Federal Reserve. Using his influence as Chairman of the House Banking Committee and later as the Chairman of other important committees, he repeatedly tried to expose the so called "One World Plot" by calling for audits of the Federal Reserve, and even trying to have the Act repealed. However, the findings of each of his committees, for some strange reason, were unable to attract any attention from the media. Patman, and others who have gone after and before him, frequently stated and vented his frustration over this lack of press and media coverage. On one occasion he stated, "our exposes of the Federal Reserve Board are shocking and scandalous, but they are only printed in the daily Congressional Record, which is read by very few people."
In the 1970's and the 1980's, Congressman Larry McDonald was the one who spearheaded the efforts against the Bush version of the New World Order. In 1976 he wrote the introduction to the "Rockefeller File", a book exposing the Rockefeller' financial holdings and secret intentions. The book supposedly revealed that the Rockefeller had as many as two hundred trusts and foundation type organizations, and that the actual number of such foundations controlled by the family might well number into the thousands. Such control IS possible because Rockefeller banks, such as Chase Manhattan, have become the trustees for many other U.S. foundations as well; possessing the right to invest and to vote the capital and common stock of these institutions--through the trust department of the bank.
McDonald did everything in his power to warn the American public. However, as usual, the attempt was to no avail. He stated unequivocally, that the Rockefeller intended to control "--first our own country, and then the world!" He went on to state. "Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, yes I do. I am convinced there is a plot, national and international."
McDonald's warning was written on legal congressional letterhead and was dated November, 1975. During the ensuing years, frustrated by the media's refusal to report his findings, he began, like others and myself, to take his message to the streets by speaking out against these forces publicly to anyone who would listen to him. McDonald's courageous efforts came to an abrupt end on August 31, 1983 when he was killed aboard the Korean Airliner 007 flight, which "accidentally" strayed over Soviet airspace and was "accidentally" shot down.
Today, as with many other true patriots, very little remains of his fight for freedom. Critical information does kill the holder.
The chance of a U.S. Congressman being aboard a commercial airliner shot down by the Soviet military, is less than one in a billion. Depending on the variables entered into the equation, the numbers may very well be higher and greater still. You, the public, are expected to believe that it was pure coincidence, just as we are supposed to believe that the recent (1991) deaths of Senator John Heinz and former Senator John Tower, in two separate crashes were "pure" coincidence as well.
Tower had been an outspoken critic of the "Eastern Establishment" (a euphemism for ONE WORLD ORDER), even though he had himself been associated with such organizations. He had a very strong sense of right and wrong, particularly on matters concerning national security. He was well known for "bucking" the tide. This backfired on him with deadly results when certain members of Congress, loyal to the Regan(Reagan) and Bush faction of the Intelligence Community (Faction #1), banded together against him in a smear campaign which resulted in the denial of Tower's confirmation as U.S. Secretary of Defense.
Outraged over the undocumented allegation made to slander his name, Tower began the book writing process so feared in Washington circles. His controversial book heavily criticizes his old crony pals in Congress. His death in a plane crash on April 5, 1991 came very shortly after the book was released.
One day earlier (April 4, 1991), Senator John Heinz died in a blazing plane crash near Philadelphia. The official reports state that the plane's landing gear had suddenly malfunctioned. A helicopter was sent up to check out the gear, only to end up (allegedly) crashing into the plane itself. We are really stretching the "coincidence theory" when we state that two freak accidents occurred in One! First, the landing gear fails, and then the rescue aircraft slams into the plane. No one should make book as to the veracity of such obviously slanted and untrue reports.
Heinz and Tower had both been members of a prominent One-World society known as the Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR. Both had served on powerful Senate banking and finance committees, and had known a great deal about the matters discussed in this article. I suppose the obvious question must read..."could they have known too much?" I submit that they in fact...knew too much! Both were very astute when it came to matters of monetary policy and the implementation of foreign policy. Yes, without doubt, they knew too much. Although accidents do happen, how much longer are we supposed to believe that all of these "so called" accidents are mere coincidence?
Since the earlier death of Congressman Larry McDonald, Senator Jesse Helms has led many efforts to expose the plot. Although Mr. Helms has recently been required to undergo extensive cardiovascular surgery, nothing appears to have happened to him, YET! I am quite certain that Mr. Helms would appreciate the combined prayer of Americans who are concerned for the truth as well as his safety.
The vivid remarks and statements of Senator Helms, like those of his predecessors, have been entered into the Congressional Record, without receiving any network coverage. Regretfully, the only attention Mr. Helms manages to garner in the press is in the form of public ridicule over his conservative voting record. It must be noted here, that the major threat to the American way of life transcends labels like Conservative and Liberal. Those who valiantly try to protect the way of life that Americans love and cherish are the new American patriots. They come from all backgrounds, Republican, Democrat, Liberal and Conservative.
The American people must wake up immediately and realize that the "Labels" applied to them are merely a way of dividing and conquering. One has only to remember the 1992 republican convention and its blatant attempt to divide and conquer the American people with obvious divisive and untrue statements. Wake up America and understand why the "One World Elite" needs to label groups. As an example, when the women's movement began to gain momentum and presented problems to the entrenched elite, a way had to be found to neutralize the power of the women's movement. Women who join together and fight for common causes such as child care, health care and education are a formidable force. To keep such a powerful force from taking over government, the "think tanks" created the solution...divide and conquer. Turn women against each other and they will never be able to become a powerful political force. The method they chose to divide and conquer the growing women's movement was abortion. Other methods are employed in other areas...first label, then divide, then conquer. My lengthy digression can be summed up in one sentence: Forget all the old labels, become American's the only way to save America.
* * * * *
During the 1960's and 1970's, thanks to the efforts of Congressman Wright Patman, Larry McDonald, and others, the message of a "One World Conspiracy" had begun to reach the "reading" American people. The usual action groups were formed by various citizens in an urgent attempt to get this information into the hands of the public, However, as usual, without coverage from the major media, their efforts have had only limited results. These groups have had to rely on self-published newsletters and books. Numerous radio appearances also were used to spread the word. The task of educating the American public is not a simple one, but rather and more so, based and predicated upon numerous unpublicized speaking engagements in order to get the word out. Such is the stress associated with an active grassroots campaign.
Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts is one of the individuals who has made significant impact. As Director of the Committee to Restore the Constitution, he began testifying before state legislatures, informing our elected officials, at the state level, about the deception surrounding the Federal Reserve Act. His campaign, urging state legislatures to repeal the Federal Reserve Act was, according to Agency records, launched on March 30, 1971, when he testified before the Wisconsin House of Representatives. The text of Roberts' address was subsequently entered in the Congressional Record on April 19, 1991 by Louisiana Congressman John Rarick.
As a result of Roberts' work, by the mid 1980's, approximately twenty states had taken some form of action to pass legislation, calling either for an audit of the Fed, or for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act. However, there has been virtually no media coverage, and the American public is still largely unaware of the intense battle going on behind the scenes of the Washington Establishment.
During June, 1989, the battle waged at the state level had once again reached Congress. Representative Henry Gonzalez, of Texas, introduced House Resolution 1469, calling for the abolition of the Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System. He also introduced House Resolution 1470, calling for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. During the same session, Representative Phil Crane of Illinois, introduced H.R. 70, calling for an annual audit of the Federal Reserve. However, all of these efforts, like those of others before them, failed.
We have personally come to know that it is far more than merely difficult to get the public behind a legitimate cause or issue, if the media refuses to cover it. Obviously such coverage is necessary in order to get the public to put the kind of pressure on Congress that will lead to action. This is particularly true of a Congress in which One-World interests now hold the upper hand, and own the media.
When I was asked to write this article, I made my way back into the dark corridors and lessor known places inside Agency Headquarters. Some of my old friends and associates were still willing to hear from me, even though several years had passed. They not only talked with me, but were gracious enough to accept my collect calls from prison. We pulled files, read numerous articles, and reviewed stymied legislation. The information you have been made privy to is a result of cooperation with the "so called" unspeakable, and unclean element from the CIA Center. We have come a long way in tracking the specifics of this money trail and how One World money is being used to influence our society. Our distaste must seem obvious to the reader. These one-worlders have invaded every aspect of American life and not only threaten the well being of the nation, but have virtually managed to secure a strangle hold upon the physical bodies of each and every one of us.
It must be stated, for the record, that each year billions of dollars are EARNED by class A stockholders of the Federal Reserve. These profits come at the expense of the U.S. Government and American citizens, who pay interest on bank loans, a portion of which ends up going to the Federal Reserve. Much of this money, along with the annual profits stemming from hundreds of corporations and banks owned and operated by these same interests, is then funneled into tax-exempt foundations--where it is then reinvested into American and foreign corporations, and used to influence our thoughts and our economy. In this fashion, a small group of people, dedicated to the establishment of a strong type of world government, has gained considerable influence over global activity and therefore your life.
It is NO coincidence that the forces responsible for the founding of the Federal Reserve were also responsible for the passage of laws permitting the creation of tax-exempt foundations. Such private foundations were specifically intended to serve as tax shelters to stow and hide the enormous wealth generated by the international banking cartel. It might be significant to note that they have also been most cherished for the purpose of funding major think-tanks, which influence virtually every aspect of American life.
(Personal opinion included)
At the close of research and investigation for this article, the writer must conclude that the influence of one-world foundations in the areas of social science, education and foreign policy has only accelerated; thereby accomplishing great strides due to minimal opposition from opposing foundations.
It must be remembered that it was the One-World cabal, (Rockefeller, Rothschild etc.), who pushed for the legalization of tax-exempt foundations, and were therefore the first to establish them. They were able to successfully get off to a head start. Even if a sizable foundation-sponsored opposition were to develop, it would be on a small scale and of rather insignificant result, compared to the massive efforts exerted by the One-World Cabal's mega-foundations.
The One World Cabal will always have more power in the world because of the devious strategies it is willing to employ in order to accumulate money and manipulate the rest of us with it. Clear cut, and decisive action is required immediately. Otherwise, it is this writer's opinion that we will very quickly lose the freedoms our Constitution guarantees for us. In short, our Constitution will be superceded by a One-World document, in fact it already has.
It is important for the reader to begin to think about what the world will be like if the One-Worlders succeed. Because this is a short article, all the possible ramifications and changes to your lifestyle cannot be covered. But one possible negative outcome could be a return to a feudal system with 98% of the people shackled to some major corporation in the same way that serfs lived by the whim of their overlord. This is just one of many possible scenarios, all equally black.
That being said, the ball is squarely in your court. You are part of a select few who have the education, intelligence and desire to even care about such things. In other words, it is up to you. You are part of the last classically educated free-thinking generation in this nation. If you wish to preserve your country for your grandchildren, then get busy. Write letters, form groups which will inform your family and friends. Buy shortwave radios, and create radio networks which will get together and decide how to create an informed voting block that will take back your country.


RMNews P.O. Box 1784 Aptos, CA 95001
The Uncensored National Rumor

BRICS Nations Plan New Bank to Bypass World Bank, IMF


BRICS Nations Plan New Bank to Bypass World Bank, IMF


03/26/2013 11:23pm
BRICS Plan for New IMF: Trojan Horse for Western Agenda?

BRICS Nations Plan New Bank to Bypass World Bank, IMF ... The biggest emerging markets are uniting to tackle under-development and currency volatility with plans to set up institutions that encroach on the roles of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The leaders of the so-called BRICS nations − Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa − are set to approve the establishment of a new development bank during an annual summit that starts today in the eastern South African city of Durban, officials from all five nations say. They will also discuss pooling foreign-currency reserves to ward off balance of payments or currency crises. – Bloomberg

Dominant Social Theme: BRICS face off with the West. A New Age is in the offing.

Free-Market Analysis: Now comes word that the BRIC nations are going to form their own reserve currency via an IMF style facility. This is being interpreted universally as an attack on Western interests.

After all, David Rockefeller, John Maynard Keynes and a few other august individuals virtually created the modern money system after World War II when the world lay prostrate at the feet of Western powers.

Goldman Sachs Asset Management Chairman Jim O'Neill coined the BRIC term in 2001 to describe the four emerging powers he estimated would equal the U.S. in joint economic output by 2020. Brazil, Russia, India and China held their first summit four years ago and invited South Africa to join their ranks in December 2010.

Does it strike you suspicious, dear reader, that O'Neill "coined the phrase" BRIC a decade ago. How prescient. How ... convenient.

Yes, sorry ... this is our brief. We've explained over and over that the forces of globalism seek one world, one central bank, one united political entity. And thus, inevitably we place this development within those parameters. We simply don't believe that the BRICs are really and truly acting in opposition to the West. After all, the IMF is, in fact, a hated institution among developing countries.



"I was born in Salzburg Austria on July 1, 1942 unto Elizabeth Maria Weissel/Esterhaszy and Karl Gunther Russbacher. My mother was the heir to the Esterhaszy estates. My father was of noble descent. He was known as the Lion of Salzburg."

Written June 11, 1992
Edited by Rayelan Allan Russbacher
The day was drawing to a close while the noise of the prison began to be unbearable. It seemed as if all the animals wanted to talk and yell at the very same time. The evening meal, consisting of burned pinto beans, dried out corn and spagetti sauce with unknown meat was considered the fare of the day.
The noise of the young men housed in the maximum security (protective custody unit) section of the Missouri state penetentiary reached the usual levels as inmates taunted each other back and forth through-out the large housing structure, commonly referred to as the cell house of the Ozarks. The unit houses about 320 men - all of whom have either requested protective custody, were ordered into protective custody by and through order of the court or prison administration, or they were forced to 'check in' for their own protection due to inccurance of gambling debts, or that they,failed to pay their prison pusher for drugs. Many of them cannot keep their mouths shut when it comes to the telling of tales about other inmates. Snitches, as they are called are by far in the overall majority.
Lastly, there is another group of men who are forced to live under these deplorable living conditions. These men have committed no overt acts against other inmates, but rather and moreso, pose a significant threat to the safety and security of the prison. They are the ones who have kept their honor, respect and dignity, even at the cost of incurring the severe wrath of the people running the institution. They are the ones who take freedom seriously-- even to the point of attempting escape from custody. Many of them should not have been jailed or imprisoned at all. They represent the failings of a society with little or no social conscience. They dream of fredom; taste the freedom as they watch the numerous television programs avail-able to them. They, who are commdemned to this place of higher learning feel not only lost, but also completely forgotten. It is a hell on earth. Hope, eternal hope, is the commodity panhandled by Bible toting fundementalist preachers, whose only goal is to 'rack up' another one for the Lord.
Yet there are these men who hold their heads high; find honor and dignity along with a little righteous pride, in all their little daily affairs. It is to these men that I tend to gravitate. These are the men, although few in numbers, who will stand by you when the going gets tough. Among all the scum which calls this place home, there is a man, who by virtue of his demeanor does not meet proper cri-teria, and does not fit in among the scum. I am proud to consider him friend. Maybe we are both so called misfits, and deserving the hell we live in. I can only hope not; hope that there is an end to all the shit and pain, and that we will be restored to our families, who even though suffering the same, or far worse pain, stand beside and be-hind us. Although we come from somewhat different worlds - he from the east coast, and I from the west, we share the same low opinion of most of our fellow prisoners. Tony, as I shall call him, is a man, and always there with a good word, or willing to help when prfound trouble finds my cell door. We share the same dreams; dreams of wives, children, and better times. We too long for Mr. Bushs' 'kinder gentler nation', knowing full well that such dreams can never be realized. I as well as Tony, were in the wrong place, at the wrong time. And that
As the noise abates and everyone begins to settle down for another evening of doing nothing, all thoughts turn inward - to the family I left behind. They are the ones who really suffer.
I have ceased counting days according to the calendar. I count the days remaining until I am permitted the use of the telephone. I count the hours, days, weeks and months until I may see my wife again. All my waking hours are occupied by thinking about my friend, lover, wife and very best friend.
The days move with precission slowness, knowing that I wait for each and every sundown; the coming of night. Although I have received a twenty-one year sentence for alleged investment fraud, there is no release date in sight for me and for my wife and children. Although they are not imprisioned, they too aren't free. The stigma attached to having a husband and father in prison has served to ostrasize them from any form of normal life. For they are the family of a political prisoner. A man whom president Bush considers a most severe threat. A threat not merely to the national security of these United States, but also a serious threat to the re-election chances for the current president. I have the dubious honor of being a member of the national security establishment. Now, the very Agency which I have served for all my adult life, has not only turned against me, but has threatened to destroy my very family.
My troubles didn't begin a few months or even a few years ago. It doesn't take a great deal of intellegence to know when, where and how all these problems began. Born to Austrian parents during the middle of WW II, was enough to bring my first years of life into conflict.
I was born in Salzburg Austria on July 1, 1942 unto Elizabeth Maria Weissel/Esterhaszy and Karl Gunther Russbacher. My mother was the heir to the Esterhaszy estates. My father was of noble descent. He was known as the Lion of Salzburg. It must also be noted that my father did serve in the SS Division Das Reich during WWII. At the end of the war rather than taking my father prisoner, he was permitted egress to England. There he was approached by the OSS and offered a position with the United States Intellegence Services. He accepted the posting and we began to prepare for immigration to this country. It was only later in life that I found out that we weren't the only family exiled from Austria. A number of relatives had also fallen to the hammer of WWII, and the phobia which ensued from Germany's loss of the war. I offer also that the position proffered to my father was basically the very same type of position he had occupied and executed during the years of WWII. In otherwords, the United States Government wanted my father to come to this country and assist in restructuring of the soon to be born Central Intellegence Agency.
We arrived in this country on December 10, 1954, at the port of Newark, New Jersey. My father had already been to the States a number of times, as early as 1948. As the CIA was formed and launched into life, we were already known as the Austrian family who was brought over to secure the freedoms of democracy against the global communist threat. No one made reference to my father having fought on the wrong side of the.war. William (Wild Bill) Donovan made sure that his nucleus of operatives and case officers would not be held accountable for the many atrocities perpetrated, by the Germans, during the war.
The evening sun was slowly making its way across the dry hot dessert. Night time was only about four hours away. Soon another Nevada scorcher would be behind us. My parents laughingly turned to each other and my father said, "Don't worry Lisl, the boy can handle it much better than the adults. After all, didn't you notice him chasing the dog up and down the mountain, during the deep heat of the afternoon?"
My mother Lisl turned toward him almost whispering under her breath, "You know that I'll have to return to Dallas soon. Gunther will have to come back with me. I know that you would prefer to keep the boy with you, but remember, that you and I can't really be seen together anymore."
With tears in her eyes she rose and began to cross to the living room door.
"I want us to be together more than anything in the world. We managed to survive the terror of the war together only to be told, that we must come to the United States as total strangers. What right do they have to so torment us and continue to destroy our lives? At this rate Karl, it would have been better to remain in Austria and take our chances with the Allies."
Tears were trickeling down her smooth and unmared skin, causing rivulets of tears that turned into rivers of sorrow. She was my mother. The lady Esterhaszy/Russbacher; immigrant to this godforsaken hellhole of desert wasteland. She continued her virtual stream of tears as she began to pack her overnight bag.
This torment was not new to me. I all too well remember what transpired in Salzburg and Vienna. I might have been very young, but no one can ever say that I was very dumb. I remember that night. They brought word to mother that we had to leave the country. I remembered sneaking around on top of the stairs as the 5 men told my mother that we were being exiled from Austria because we not only cause a political embarrassment but also that Austria would no longer tolerate any member of the so called ruling family to remain in country.
Because I was a child I labored under many emotions. I would lose all my friends and relatives. There would be no one for me to turn to other than mother. I knew that father served in the SS Division Das Reich, and that he was considered a dead war criminal. Far too well the memory of the death notice of my father was burned into my mind. Although merely age three, it did remain imprinted in my mind. The Austrian officer, the American, the Englishman, Frenchman and Russian Colonel, calmly told mother that father had died in battle during the last big push of the war. Saddened by my loss, I began to withdraw from all activities my mother attempted to organize for me. The memory of father was all too recent.
That was the way it went for quite some time. Mother, was told she had a great deal of time before she would be required to pack up the house and leave. We left Vienna and returned to our comfortable estate in Salzburg. One day, after playing in the brook Glan, I arrived at the house as a staff car drove up. What great suprise... a person looking just like my father exited the olive drab staff car. I looked closer and screamed at the top of my.little lungs...."Father ... You have come home to me." The stately gentleman reached down and took me into his large arms.
I was in seventh heaven. My father had come home. He had not died. Only later did I find out why such deceptive ploy was put into use. The Americans had offered my father a job and a new life in the United States of America. For me it was enough that my father was home. I was sworn to secrecy. From that moment on I was prohibited from writing or talking to any of our many relatives in Vienna. As far as all the others were concerned, my father was dead... fallen in battle.
I had become a conspirator. To what .... I surely had no idea! I did what I had been sworn to. I never again mentioned the name of my father for fear that I would compromise his life. I loved him, not only because he was the Lion of Salzburg, but because he was my honored father. True to Austria and Austrian tradition, I never referred to my father as dad, pop, or even daddy. For me he was Mr. (Herr) Father. It was a title I honored. All the other buergers called my father Herr Baron. I didn't know what that meant or dealt with. I was happy to have him home with me.
RMNews P.O. Box 1994 FREEDOM, CA 95019
The Uncensored National Rumor


Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Sunday, 24-Dec-2000 16:07:56
March 2, 1991
1. Mistreatment of Political Prisoners Here
2 Illegal Contra Base in Arkansas
GUNTHER RUSSBACHER WHO CLAIMS HE FLEW CANDIDATE BUSH TO PARIS in 1980 TO CONCLUDE THE OCTOBER SURPRISE DEAL, suffered a major heart attack in prison at Fulton, Mo., on Feb. 28, 1991
At the time he was being held in a secluded place in a psychiatric hospital where he was permitted only one phone call at intervals to his wife. He was not allowed to talk to reporters or friends. He had been given 21 years in prison by a state judge in Missouri, alleging that Russbacher had violated parole of four years. The original charges were stealing by deceit.
Raye Allan Russbacher, his wife, said the last time she talked with him he did not seem like himself. She feared they were giving him mind-altering drugs. She also feared he might get killed in prison. Recently in another prison, a cell mate suffered a violent attack of stomach illness immediately after eating food brought to Russbacher. Safety in prison seems to be an issue, his wife told friends.
A network of friends is trying to help but the prison authorities ordered the hospital where Russbacber was taken in Columbia, Mo. not to admit that he was a patient, and not to give out any information, despite the fact this was a hospital funded by taxpayers under the auspices of the University of Missouri. (It is ironic that this University is the location of the first School of Journalism in the U.S., a center for advocating. freedom, of speech and human rights.)
President Bush could do something about this if be wanted to do so, in the name of humanity. Bush claims that Russbacher has been lying about that trip to Paris.
Who is Russbacher? He is a descendant of the royal family Hapsburg of Austria who was brought to this country as a young boy by his family. He became involved in the Navy, especially Naval Intelligence, and the Central Intelligence, agency which for years has been dominated by Naval Intelligence. Russbacher claims he was ordered, in October of 1980, to Andrews Air Force Base, Md, and there outfitted to pilot a plane to the Paris suburbs. On the plane, he claims, were, Bush and friends who included Jennifer Fitzgerald.
After arrival, Russbacher went to a hotel to sleep but was awakened and asked to fly Bush back to Washington. He then flew Bush from another Paris suburb to McGuire Air Force base in New Jersey. The plane used was the SR 71, the needle-nosed spy plane, one of the fastest in the U.S. arsenal. The trip was made in less than two hours.
Purpose of the trip was to cinch a deal between Iran and Presidential Candidate Ronald Reagan and Vice Presidential Candidate Bush to keep 52 American hostages until after the November election of 1980 at which time they would be delivered to the U.S. in exchange for weapons and spare parts and money which Iran needed to carry on its war with Iraq. Bush claims he did not go. Ariel Ben-Menasche, Iran-born Israeli, working for the Israel government, said he took down the names of those who entered the conference in Paris. One was Bill Casey, and the other was George Bush. Casey was chairman of the Reagan-Bush campaign.
Russbacher finished serving a 20-month sentence at Terminal Island, Calif., on Dec.23, 1991. The Immigration Service sought to deport him, but found it could not do so. Then he was remanded by force to the court in Missouri. That case originated, Russbacher claims, that on orders from the CIA he was operating a brokerage firm to get money through private investments to spend on covert operations. The CIA disavowed his claim of connection and he is forbidden to wear the Navy uniform any more.
He is not the only one claiming knowledge about Bush being in Paris to linger in jail. There are several other cases of men being put in prison for claiming knowledge of "October Surprise," a name given by Republicans in the 1980 campaign to what they expected would be a rescue attempt of American hostages by President Jimmy Carter.

A BASE TO AID FOREIGN REBELS in Nicaragua was established in quiet Mena, Ark,, at a municipally-owned airport. This became a base for drug smuggling, weapons running and for training foreign troops in ways of killing their fellow countrymen. This base began operatins in 1982 and contiues to this day, run by the Central Intelligence Agency with a number of U.S. governmental offices collaborating, under orders. Oliver North was often there, using the alias of John Cathey. Felix Rodriguez, a CIA operative and close associate of George Bush was in and out working under the name of Max Gomez. Weapons produced on the base for the Contras were disguised to look like Soviet arms so if captured the Soviets could be blamed for supplying them. Airplanes were retrofitted to provide larger storage space for hauling suppplies which mostly were tons of cocaine from South America. The cocaine was sold in this country to provide money for further Contra weapons purchases and to provide money for CIA activities.

The Arkansas congressmen were refused information about the operations of the bass or who was responsible. Gov. Bill Clinton was asked to provide state money for an investigation but never provided it. He readily consented for the Arkansas National Guard to go to Guatemala. He gave a job to Larry Nichols, a supporter of the Contras.



Written By: R. G. BLAIR
(Written in 1991) In August of 1989, Raye Allan married Navy Captain Gunther "Russ" Russbacher. Captain Russbacher is in Navy Intelligence. The two had first met in 1976 at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey where Ms. Allan's first husband, the late John Dyer, was Dean of Science and Engineering. In the summer of 1989, when they decided they wanted to marry, Captain Russbacher told Ms. Allan that he had signed an agreement stating that he would not marry for two years. Such agreements are common in the Intelligence Community, especially after divorces.
Captain Russbacher requested permission to marry despite the agreement he had signed. Permission was denied. It was further stated that he would be immediately reassigned to Europe or even Moscow. He was ordered to have no contact with Ms. Allan for two years, and if, at the end of that time, they still wished to marry, then permission would be granted.
This edict was not acceptable to either Ms. Allan or Captain Russbacher. After discussing their options, they decided to marry immediately, before anyone found out their plans and could stop them. They would deal with the consequences later. Captain Russbacher felt that the worst thing that could happen to him was to be thrown out of his clandestine world. This was acceptable to him, because for the first time in his life, he had fallen in love. He wanted to leave the shadow world and lead a normal life.
Within six hours of making the decision to marry, they were aboard a Learjet named The Blackbird, heading to Reno. They married, returned to the Blackbird and headed home. But a funny thing happened about fifteen minutes outside of Reno. The pilot of the Learjet turned around to Captain Russbacher and said: "Chief, our airspace has been violated. We've been ordered to arm." Mrs. Russbacher paled as she looked out the windows at what she thought were fuel tanks on the ends of the wings. The front of the fuel tanks opened up and missiles extended. The pilot spoke again, "A small prop job has exceeded his limit. Nellis has scrambled fighters to force him down and take us home."
Mrs. Russbacher was mute. Her eyes searched her husband's for an answer. One can only guess what thoughts were going through her head as she sat on board a fully armed and lethal government jet. The Captain was probably thinking that he should have told her the whole truth before they married. Maybe if they had waited until they knew each other better incidents like this wouldn't have happened. If they had known a few more seemingly innocent facts about each other maybe they would have realized why the government had denied them permission to marry.
Would Captain Russbacher have married Ms. Allan if he had known that she had sworn to destroy the CIA and throw all the drug smuggling crooks in jail? Would Ms. Allan have married Captain Russbacher if she had known that he had been attached to the covert side of the CIA for over twenty years? Finally words returned to her. "What kind of a plane is this?" Her eyes were full with worry. Her voice was soft but edged with a demand for truth. Captain Russbacher could not lie to her. He loved her. If he lied, he was afraid he would lose her.
""This is why they teach us not to fall in love."" He thought as he looked at her. ""To keep her with me, I'll tell her everything."" And he probably would have, if he had had the time. But all he could say at that moment was, ""This is the blackbird. It was William Casey's plane. It's been mine since he died. Until 1986 I was the number three man in the CIA.""
Captain and Mrs. Russbacher didn't have the time for him to bare the rest of his innermost secrets or the dark secrets of national security. They had two days together after they were married. But they didn't spend it talking. They spent it doing what newlyweds do.
Maybe if they had talked more and played less, they could have prevented what was about to happen to them. If they had probed each other's pasts deeply enough to discover the dark thread that connected them, maybe they could have cut it before it entangled them in two years of lies, deceit, death threats and murder. After the incident in the Learjet they tried to quickly fill in the pieces of their personal puzzles so that they would each have some idea of who they had married. But the incredible irony of what had just happened to them was too much to digest in a short period of time.
Mrs. Russbacher was an investigative researcher whose particular field of study was the CIA. She was currently working with Ms. Barbara Honegger who was considered a real pain in the...side to the Intelligence community as well as the Reagan/Bush administrations. Ms. Honegger had resigned in protest from the Reagan administration in 1983. She and Ms. Allan began collaborating in 1984. Ms. Allan stayed in the background while collaborating on projects such as the Carter briefing book scandal, the so-called Debategate; Armageddon literalism and Ronald Reagan's plan to bomb Syria; and the Challenger Disaster. But even so, her activities were well known to the intelligence community.
Just three weeks before her marriage to Captain Russbacher she had been in Washington D.C. having dinner with Senator Claiborne Pell. Senator Pell was the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. This is the committee that investigates the backgrounds of persons who have been named for ambassador posts. She had gone to Washington with the intention of preventing a career CIA operative named Donald Gregg from being confirmed as Ambassador to Korea. In the research she and Ms. Honegger were doing on the October Surprise, (the 1980 Reagan campaign deal to delay the release of the 52 American hostages in the Tehran Embassy to defeat Jimmy Carter.), she had discovered that Donald Gregg was aboard an airplane that carried George Bush to Paris on October 19, 1980 to finalize the deal. She told Senator Pell that Donald Gregg was guilty of treason and did not deserve to be confirmed.
Many people would have felt that this detail was important enough to discuss with a new husband that she had just discovered was a career CIA operative, but for some reason that little piece of information slipped her mind. She was more inclined to slap her forehead every few minutes and exclaim in absolute amazement, "I can't believe I've married a CIA operative." With an equal amount of shock and amazement her new husband lay on his side of the bed slapping his own forehead with identical gestures of disbelief, "I can't believe I married Barbara Honegger's best friend."
Barbara Honegger was not considered a major threat to the CIA, but she had just published a book titled "October Surprise". In it she had revealed the stories of three CIA Operatives who claimed that they had participated in the 1980 Reagan campaign deal to delay the release of the hostages in Iran. One of the CIA informants was a contract arms dealer named Richard Brenneke. Mr. Brenneke had just been charged with perjury by the US Attorney's office out of Denver.
Mr. Brenneke claimed that Donald Gregg had been on board the plane that he had flown to Paris so George Bush could finalize the deal. The US Attorney had supenaed Donald Gregg who would try to prove to the jury that he was somewhere else on that day.
Captain Russbacher was aware that his bride knew Richard Brenneke. Mrs. Russbacher knew that her husband knew Richard well enough to consider him a friend. In fact it was their mutual friendship with Richard Brenneke that had thrown them together in the first place. One can only wonder how those precious hours could have slipped away without either of them sharing the missing pieces of the puzzle which would have alerted the other of the eminent danger.
Captain and Mrs. Russbacher enjoyed a two day honeymoon. On September 1, 1989, the third day of their married life, Captain Russbacher was arrested by the FBI. Mrs. Russbacher was told that he was a conman on a crime spree marrying and defrauding widows. She was advised to annul the marriage immediately. He was led away in handcuffs. She protested that he was a Naval officer that she had known for years. The FBI told her that he was a pathological liar with a photographic memory who could weave bits and pieces of information into a believable story. She told them about the Learjet. They told her he stole it.
For three months she searched for answers. From Washington, D.C. to St. Louis to Portland...she interviewed and interrogated every government official and intelligence operative she knew. Finally she convinced herself that the FBI had lied and her husband was a deep cover CIA operative. But still she didn't know why he was in jail. Even though Captain Russbacher knew more of the picture than did his bride, he was now unable to tell her anymore information that might help her in her search because every piece of information that he shared with her was monitored by the jail.
It would be one year before he would be released and the two of them would be together. It would be one year before Raye Russbacher would understand that you don't mess with the career of a CIA operative and get away with it. You don't use your friendship with the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to try to sabotage the nomination of an ambassador. Donald Gregg must have been overjoyed when he heard about the marriage of Captain Russbacher to Raye Allan. There was no love loss between Mr. Gregg and Captain Russbacher. Mr. Gregg had tried on numerous occasions to derail Captain Russbacher's career, and now he finally had him. Captain Russbacher had disobeyed orders and violated an internal security contract when he married Raye Allan. He could punish them anyway he saw fit. Fate deals strange hands, and there was no hand stranger than the one that had been dealt on this occasion.
At the time the Captain and his lady married, Donald Gregg was the head of the CIA discipline committee. It was Donald Gregg who was in charge of the investigation into the Russbacher affair, and it was Donald Gregg who decided their punishment.
It would take one full year for them to figure out what had really happened to them. It would not be until Captain Russbacher was forced to plead guilty to four counts of securities fraud and be placed on five years probation. It was a choice between a guilty plea and staying in a county jail for an indeterminable amount of time. Captain Russbacher learned the hard way that there is no justice for a CIA operative who violates the rules of the Company.
But it was not until he was released and they were together that they were finally able to discover that Donald Gregg was the man responsible for the hell they had endured. But it was over and they were together. They had taken their punishment and now they could get on with their lives. The Captain took his new bride to a top secret meeting on Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. He took her there to meet his bosses and his friends.
William Webster, the Director of Central Intelligence invited them to lunch. When the Captain introduced his bride to the Director Raye finally felt that at last she knew the truth about her husband.
This feeling was not to last for long. Her husband was ordered to an Air Force Base in California. He was told that it was for a promotion ceremony and press conference. The Navy had to come up with a story to explain why one of their officers had just spent a year in jail. The story was a good one, but the papers never saw it.
Captain Russbacher, in full Navy uniform, was arrested by the same FBI agents who had arrested him one year before. This time he was arrested for impersonating a Naval officer. Within a week that charge was dropped and he was charged with misuse of a government airplane, namely the one he had used to fly the love of his life to Reno to marry.
Captain Russbacher is still in prison. It has now been two years and three months. Mrs. Russbacher no longer wonders about who her husband is. Now she wonders if he will be murdered before they have a chance to live together. The story and the reason for him being in jail has changed dramatically.
In May of 1991 an attempt was made on the life of Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher. That attempt took the lives of three Navy Intelligence officers. When Captain Russbacher realized that a contract had been put out on him, he felt it was necessary to let people know who wanted him dead and why.
He made a telephone call to a friend who transcribed the information and released it to many different newspapers. The story that was finally told reads as follows:
(Reprinted with permission from the Napa Sentinel)
Navy flier testifies he flew Bush to Paris for deal
to block release of hostages
A BAC 111 aircraft, which had been reconfigured to carry a sufficient amount of fuel to travel 3,600 miles, left Andrews Air Force Base in the late afternoon of October 19, 1980. The aircraft's destination: Paris, France. The passengers aboard the aircraft included the command pilot U.S. Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher, Richard Brenneke as the co-pilot. In the cabin was William Casey, soon to be the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; Donald Gregg, soon to be the vice-president's National Security Advisor and eventually Ambassador to Korea; and George Bush, soon to be the vice president of the United States and eventually the president.
This is the weekend, three weeks before the November 1980 Presidential Election, an election so close that the outcome hung on the 52 embassy hostages held by Iranian militants. If Jimmy Carter could free them before the election, he would win. The Reagan campaign worried about that possibility more than any other in the crucial weeks before the election. If Carter was successful in arranging an "October Surprise" and bringing the hostages home in time for the election, then Carter would win. The only way a Reagan victory could be assured was to make sure the hostages were held until after the election.
Testifying to this flight is Russbacher, the command pilot."
When Raye finally heard the full story her two year descent into hell made sense. The pilot who flew George Bush to Paris to finalize the "October Surprise" deal had married an investigative researcher who had worked to expose the deal since 1986.
Captain Russbacher's love for his wife forced him to admit to himself that he had been part of a well orchestrated coup d'etat. He had kept his mouth shut for eleven years even though he knew that the scandals, drugs and corruption that were rampant in the country were directly related to the cover-up of the October Suprise. The attempt on his life killed a woman he had worked with for years. He wondered how many more people would die because of this treasonous deal? He had to come forward. He had to tell his story. His love for his wife had given him back his soul. But the only thing that could save it was for him to tell the truth.
Captain Russbacher is scheduled to testify before the House and Senate Committees which are investigating the "October Surprise." He is scheduled to be released from federal custody December 23rd, 1991. However, his five year probation has been revoked and he will return to the county jail where he pled guilty in 1990. At this point, the prosecutor in that case is trying to put him in jail for twenty eight years for violation of his probation.
For two years the United States government has persecuted two people because they fell in love. Intelligence operatives are taught not to feel emotion. This case is a perfect example of why that precedent exists. Men talk when they are in love. And when a high ranking operative falls in love with an investigative researcher it is only a matter of time before all the secrets of the government are exposed.


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